Quality Resources

Timely Access to Care Standards

MCSHP ensures our network providers, including specialists, can provide member enrollees with an appointment within a specific number of days or hours as required by Department Managed Health Care (DMHC) Timely Access to Care (TAC) standards. To learn more about Timely Access of Care view the guidance below.


By utilizing telehealth communication, MCSHP network providers and specialists are able to increase access to care and provide timely care intervention. Telehealth can be used to complete several healthcare services for example, cold & flu visits, quick check-ups, controlling blood pressure checks, well child visits etc., Please review the tip sheet below to prepare for getting started with telehealth appointments or to improve your current care for patients. 

Initial Health Appointment (IHA)

Initial Health Appointment (IHA)/ Staying Healthy Assessment (SHA) 

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) REQUIRES all new Medi-Cal members to have the IHA completed within 120 days from plan enrollment. IHA ensures that a health professional has a thorough understanding of who their patient is, their needs, and a collaboration between both parties to develop a plan for meeting those needs.   

The Staying Healthy Assessment (SHA) forms MUST be distributed to new patients during the Initial Health Appointment (IHA) and on a timely basis once patients enter a new age category. Instructions on how to implement SHA, and Age-specific forms are available to download from the www.dhcs.ca.gov website. 

To ensure compliance with DHCS and Health Plan partners each month MCSHP sends our providers new Medi-Cal members who have been assigned to them and need their Initial Health Appointment (IHA). 

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