
Health Education: Providers

Monthly Provider Trainings and Resources 

Health Education Campaigns 

Patient After Care Handouts -

Health Education Referral Form (PDF)-

*Send completed referral form to

Provider Medical Record Review Training (2022)

Please click here to learn more about the Provider Medical Record Review this webinar includes information on

  • Depression Screening
  • Staying Healthy Assessment
  • Lead Screening in Children
  • And much more

Monkeypox Information for Providers

Health education for providers in relation to Monkeypox

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) refers to potentially traumatic experiences that happen throughout childhood (0–17 years), such as being the victim of assault, abuse, or neglect; witnessing violence in the home, etc. MCSHP encourages all qualified providers to get certified to screen for ACEs. These screenings can reduce stress and increase health outcomes for children. By identifying these traumatic experiences early, children can be provided with greater compassion, patience, and the opportunity for relational healing through targeted clinical interventions. 

To learn more about ACEs and ACEs screening please visit the links below. For any additional questions regarding ACEs please contact Memorial Care Select Health Plan Quality/Health Education Department at 

Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Leveraging the Best Available Evidence

How to get certified to screen for ACEs.


Initial Health Appointment (IHA) Resources

All newly enrolled members must receive an IHA within 120 days of enrollment (DHCS Policy Letter 08-003). A minimum of three documented attempts must be made to schedule the timey IHA, with at least one phone call and one letter.

Age-Appropriate Physical Evaluation Templates

The IHA consists of a comprehensive health history (medical, social, family, etc), physical exam, including a review of systems, and the completion of the Staying Healthy Assessment. This visit should include, but is not limited to, immunizations (ACIP Guidelines) counseling including Tobacco Cessation, medical testing and treatment, review of Preventative Services (USPSTF). Although there is no specific form, complete documentation of this visit is required to be kept in the patient’s medical record.

IHA Audit Tool

The Quality Department will follow-up with the PCP to verify if member outreach was conducted or effective follow up was done to schedule the IHA. Please be advised your office may be randomly selected to participate in the IHA Medical Record Review utilizing the IHA Audit Tool.

Staying Healthy Assessment (SHA)

DHCS recently released the new Staying Healthy Assessment via Policy Letter 13-001 "Requirements for the Staying Healthy Assessment"

DHCS Policy Letter 13-001

SHA Health Assessment Questionnaires

SHA Instruction Sheet

SHA Training

Follow the link for documents and additional information.

Staying Healthy Assessment Questionnaires (

Emergency Room (ER) Health Education Campaign

The following materials can help facilitate your discussion with your patients about the appropriate use of the emergency room.

Health Education State Requirements for Providers

Health Education requirements for Providers serving Medi-Cal patients according to DHCS.

Breastfeeding Promotion

Conversation guide on importance of breastfeeding with patients.

Tobacco Cessation Services for Medi-Cal Patients

The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that health care providers ask all individuals ages 18 years and older about tobacco use and that providers offer tobacco cessation interventions to those who use tobacco products. Providers should also offer tailored counseling to pregnant women who smoke. Finally, interventions, education or brief counseling should be offered to prevent initiation of tobacco use in school-aged children and adolescents. Refer to the following documents and websites for more information.

Click here for the: U.S. Public Health Services Clinical Practice Guideline. Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence

Click here for the Full Presentation.

For smoking cessation information and materials and local cessation resources:

California Smokers Helpline

Call: 1-800- NOBUTTS or visit

Call: 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit

Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health Toolkit 

Alcohol Abuse and Other Drugs

Psychological Health Center of Excellence

Training Resources


Depression Screening

Advance Directives

Palliative Care

Here you will find valuable information to assist you in caring for Palliative patients and support in offering guidance to those caring for them throughout their disease processes.

Below are links to disease specific care support for patients:

Congestive Heart Failure

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Advanced Cancer

Liver Disease

End of Life Option Act

The California End of Life Option Act went into effect on June 9, 2016. This law allows a terminally-ill adult, California resident to request a drug from his or her physician that will end his or her life. People who choose to end their lives this way, and who carefully follow the steps in the law, will not be considered to have committed suicide. Physicians who prescribe the aid-in-dying drug and follow all the steps of the law, will not be subject to legal liability or professional sanction. Participating in this end-of-life option is voluntary for both patients and physicians.

End of Life Option Act - EOLCCA (

Attending Physician Responsibility

Patient Resources

Having the Conversation - EOLCCA (


Smile California- Dental Care for Medi-Cal Members

This program provides free or low‑cost dental services to children and adults who receive Medi‑Cal (California’s Medicaid program)

Dent-Cal Provider Toolkit

Medi-Cal PowerPoint

Programs and Community Services for Providers Serving Medi-Cal Patients

Plan Specific Provider Resources and Referrals

Health Education resources by plan partners:

Anthem Blue Cross

Blue Shield

Health Net

LA Care


Questions about MemorialCare Select Health Plan?

Call Us at (855) 367-7747